Meet the Breast Lift that Boosts Your Breasts without Implants
Women who have had children or lost a significant amount of weight often consider a breast lift to restore breasts to their former shape. Some women choose to combine this with a traditional breast augmentation, while others prefer to take the small loss in volume that often accompanies a breast lift. Now, there’s an option to lift your breasts and maintain volume with the possibility of even seeing a slight increase.
No Implants Necessary
A breast lift with auto-augmentation is an innovative procedure that combines a breast lift and an augmentation, with no implants required.
How does it work? When you have a breast lift, a small amount of skin is removed. This can cause a minor reduction in breast size. In an auto-augmentation, that skin is tucked back into the breast to create a small boost in volume to help the breast retain its original size.
[pullquote]A breast lift with auto-augmentation won’t create a drastic increase in breast size, but it can help to retain existing volume or provide a small boost.[/pullquote]
Is an Auto Augmentation Right for Me?
This procedure may be right for women who are looking for a lift without any reduction in size. If you’ve had children or lost a significant amount of weight that has now stabilized, you could be a good candidate for an auto-augmentation breast lift.
Schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon to see if there’s a breast lift with auto-augmentation option available near you. You could lift your breasts without seeing any loss in volume or opt for implants.